Dixie seems to be getting her paws figured out after finally getting the ruffwear booties on. Most of our house is wood floors so she was really having difficulty getting from one area rug to the next without slipping. The booties really helped. I am reluctant to take them off since she really doesn’t like me putting them on and she is slipping and could fall on her stitches. I have started to reduce her codeine and now she is being stubborn about eating and it has been a challenge to get her to eat her pills. I have tried wrapping them in meat, bread, cake but she takes little bites and spits out the pill. Last night she slept alone until early this morning when she wanted to come up and be with me in the bedroom. So mom brought her up and she laid on the floor next to the bed. Perfect Xmas gift. My wife and the girls were off to California today, so Dixie, Raj and me tried to go out for very short walk. I put Dixie in the wagon and hooked Raj up to pull it, boy that didn’t work. So I pulled Dixie up to the park with Raj just tied to the wagon. Once at the park I let Dixie out and she was able to sniff around and poop. So far two poops and lots of pees so that is good. Unfortunately I let go of Raj’s leash and off he went. So I packed up Dixie and brought her back home and got her back on her bed. I have a tracker on Raj so I was able to see where he was, but he moves so fast he is gone from the last tracked spot by the time I get there. Luckily a nice kid saw him and tried to get his leash, but this is a game for Raj. He finally was able to catch him as I was turning the car around so back home we went. Dixie seems a little down tonight, maybe reducing the meds too soon? She doesn’t seem to be in pain but she can hide it very well and now I am having difficulty getting them down her throat. Hopefully I can get her to eat one before I go to bed.
Hopefully a peaceful sleep tonight.
Ah bacon worked Yea!