Dixie seems to be getting her paws figured out after finally getting the ruffwear booties on. Most of our house is wood floors so she was really having difficulty getting from one area rug to the next without slipping. The booties really helped. I am reluctant to take them off since she really doesn’t like me putting them on and she is slipping and could fall on her stitches. I have started to reduce her codeine and now she is being stubborn about eating and it has been a challenge to get her to eat her pills. I have tried wrapping them in meat, bread, cake but she takes little bites and spits out the pill. Last night she slept alone until early this morning when she wanted to come up and be with me in the bedroom. So mom brought her up and she laid on the floor next to the bed. Perfect Xmas gift. My wife and the girls were off to California today, so Dixie, Raj and me tried to go out for very short walk. I put Dixie in the wagon and hooked Raj up to pull it, boy that didn’t work. So I pulled Dixie up to the park with Raj just tied to the wagon. Once at the park I let Dixie out and she was able to sniff around and poop. So far two poops and lots of pees so that is good. Unfortunately I let go of Raj’s leash and off he went. So I packed up Dixie and brought her back home and got her back on her bed. I have a tracker on Raj so I was able to see where he was, but he moves so fast he is gone from the last tracked spot by the time I get there. Luckily a nice kid saw him and tried to get his leash, but this is a game for Raj. He finally was able to catch him as I was turning the car around so back home we went. Dixie seems a little down tonight, maybe reducing the meds too soon? She doesn’t seem to be in pain but she can hide it very well and now I am having difficulty getting them down her throat. Hopefully I can get her to eat one before I go to bed.
Hopefully a peaceful sleep tonight.
Ah bacon worked Yea!
Have you looked at Pawz?
Some people cut a small air vent in them at the toe and leave them on for extended periods of time. I hate mine but will wear them when I’m faced with lots of hardwood floors.
There are also Power-paws that are like totes slipper socks for dogs. I have not tried them yet.
During my recovery, my humans went to lowes and home depot and got rolls of Duck Covers 24-ft x 20-in Shelf Liners. They grip really well and gave me lots of confidence on slick surfaces. We used yoga mats too but have found that you do get what you pay for. The $12 mats from Big Lots are much better than the $5 mats at Five Below. They just stick better and hold up much longer.
Merry Christmas!
Hi Chris,
This is Ilene Harley’s mom in the Couv also! She is doing so darn well! I am glad to know she is taking care of business and wanted to be with you!! You will appreciate the small things that remind you that normal is around the corner!! Let me know if you need anything or have any questions…360.600.3526 leave a message if I don’t answer will be out and about shopping today!
Take care and big hugs to you and Dixie!!
When my Dobe Nitro wouldn’t eat for 7 days post surgery, we had to resort to spooning yogurt with his pills mixed in down his throat. Sounds kind of barbaric I know, but we were desperate to get his pills (and some nourishment ) in him. As the pain meds we’re decreased he finally found his appetite again. We are now almost 7 months post amp, and he’s doing great. Good luck to you all.
Dixie sounds to be healing and progressing normally. The slipping on the floor made me also think of the Paw Dog Boots that ohmynixon mentioned above. And it is very common for our pups to sort of hit a little wall around day 4-7 that lasts sometimes about a week. They seem to get slower, seem down, don’t get excited about much. This is very normal. I tend to think of it as the surgery meds are wearing off, all that stuff is getting out of their system, the finally being home is now not as exciting, and they are getting down to the business of healing. If you want to see that tail wag during this time, maybe invite a friend over that Dixie likes. It’ll pep her up to have a visitor. But don’t be discouraged that it will be short lived. She will move past this. It’s just a part of the healing.
Hang in there.
Karma, Adelaide and the crew, and our special angel Brendol
Thanks all, I will try to get daddy to hit petco today and get some paws. I had a very relaxing day yesterday except for daddy trying to get the pain pills down my throat. He hid them very well today so I didn’t notice and I ate all my breakfast. I am feeling better but still am slow getting around. I was able to sleep downstairs last night with Raja and get through the doggy door when I needed to do my business. I think daddy was thankful to get a full nights sleep without having to get up for me. Today is another rainy day here so probably will be just resting most of the day. Thanks for your comments and support for daddy and me.
Love Dixie
Our girl Smoke was amputated one day after Dixie. The day after her surgery, her doc called daddy expressing that he was, “surprised in a good way” at the way Smoke was acting and getting around. He said she was standing squared off, as though her missing leg was just “airbrushed off”. We had a couple rough nights with her where she would howl out in pain then had a good, restful night Friday. So I reduced the Tramadol from 1.5 pills each 8 hours to 1 pill/8 hours. She seems a bit down, and maybe in a little pain (can’t get comfortable), since I cut back on the meds…so I gave a full dose with her dinner last night. I am encouraged by what Karma share with you about the post-op once home & settled doldrums described. We had been becoming a bit concerned. She has some visitors coming tomorrow so I look forward to her perking up for that.
I guess the first week is filled with ups and downs. Dixie doesn’t seem to be in much pain now, so I quit giving her the codeine. So far no crying and her eyes look so much clearer. She is still slow walking and takes a while to figure out her most comfortable laying position. Her incision looks pretty good and never has leaked or got inflamed. I took her booties off last night and her paws were wet with sweat so will have to find something more breathable for her inside on the wood floors. Looking forward to a more normal day for her.