3 Wks P.O.

I have been doing better this last week. Daddy has been walking me up to the park and I can now make it up and back without getting so tired. I have also figured out how to get on Daddy’s lap while he is watching TV. We watched lots of football this weekend.



Daddy took Raj and I to the dog park on Sunday and that was fun. I was able to make it all the way around and lots of other dogs wanted to play with me but Daddy made sure they didn’t jump on me or be aggressive towards me. I think I was more aggressive letting them know I wasn’t ready for rough play yet.

2015-01-11 14.43.09

I told Daddy that by summer I want to be able to pull him a short distance on his bike with Raj’s help. So that is our goal to work towards.


4 thoughts on “3 Wks P.O.”

  1. Lookin good gorgeous! I remember when we first took Jerry back to the dog park, it was pretty scary for us but like you, he handled it like a champ and didn’t let anyone get him down.

    Everypawdy needs a goal and I have no doubt that you will make yours Dixie! As a Husky you’re pretty darn invincible. Have you happened to run across these Husky Tripawds?


    and the one and only Calpurnia?


    And here is our Wyatt Ray, running with Calpurnia’s team. He just had to show the world that German Sheps make good sled dogs too:


  2. Thank you so much for sharing. We are now getting Katie to leave the house to go in for surgery..
    Dixie is beautiful and she can be an inspiration for me and Katie.
    Hopefully she will be able to get up on dads lap this weekend to watch football with him.
    God bless and we’ll pray for healing for Dixie.

    1. I hope Katie is fine now. 5 days P.O. she should be feeling much better. Dixie is progressing each day and getting used to doing things differently. We see her using her nose much more now and she actually paws or I should say paw at her bed like she used to to get comfortable. It is amazing to see her run through the doggie door now. She still stumbles once in awhile but she recovers and keeps going without missing a beat.

  3. So happy Dixie is doing so well. Katie has made so much progress these last three weeks. She did very well adapting to her three legs. She amazed me. She had her stitches out on Jan 27th and the vet took her off restrictions. The oncologist gave her her first chemo treatment which she is tolerating well. Appetite good etc.
    Yesterday she was out with her frisbee and had a ball. Then she noticed the big horse ball and decided to see if she remembered how to play soccer by herself. She did it with just a little help from me. She confiscated all the horses balls. They are all so bonded together they let her do what she wants. She took a long nap after all that exercise.

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