7 wks PO


I was able to go to the dog park again this week, but daddy had to encourage me to not just lay down and rest most of the time. He ran with me holding me up with the harness because I am really having a hard time hopping more than a few hundred feet. It was fun to feel light and run like I used to, but it was hard for daddy to run for very long holding me up.  Daddy and Mommy took me to the Dr. and he gave me some medicine for arthritis but so far it doesn’t seem to be helping. Daddy is wondering if he should get me a wheel chair since I really don’t want to hop around much at all. I have lost some weight but I still have to put a lot of weight on my one front leg. I sure hope this gets better cause I really like to go on walks with the family. I must say I have been taking advantage of all the help I have been getting and love all the pets I get at the dog park.


3 thoughts on “7 wks PO”

  1. My puppy Rosa had her front left leg amputated at 4 months. Her body has compensated and developed around the missing limb. She is as happy, if not more than any other dog I have ever met. She us so very strong, a tribute to life.

  2. Hi Dixie! I sure hope you start feeling better and that medicine kicks in so you can run like you used to. But remember, you just had a major surgery, and sometimes it takes a bit of time to fully recover. I can’t give much advice on a wheelchair, because we’ve never used one! Have you been doing any type of physical therapy to “get back in shape”? Maybe some water treadmill?? We’re sending positive thoughts your way Dixie!! Keep strong!!!

  3. Hey Dixie, it sure sounds like you could use some core strengthening exercises. One thing to focus on is building up those core muscles, which will help you build endurance in order to run and walk further. First comes the core, then comes the distance. Tell your people to check out our Loving Life on 3 Legs fitness handbook, it will tell them everything they need to know about getting you strong.


    Also, our upcoming Tripawds Fitness course will help tremendously:


    I think once you do this you’ll see that a wheelchair won’t be needed. Just to be safe, check out this article about wheelchairs & tripawds and then if you really think you need one, talk to a rehab vet before you ever make that move. A poorly fitting wheelchair will do more harm than good so be careful K?


    Love you!

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